What is the process and where should you start?
If you have not been involved in this process before, it can seem overwhelming - Please remember that we can help with as much or as little as you like!
Choosing an existing building to become your home or commercial space is a time and cost effective option. The process can take as little as one month from purchase date to relaxing in your 'new' place - at a fraction of the cost!
Most locations will require a building permit from your local Permit Authority (Council/Shire/City), prior to the building being delivered and installed. Requirements can vary greatly between Permit Authorities.
So where do you start and what needs to be considered?
What Local Planning Scheme is your property and will I need planning approval before making a building permit application? You can conduct a land enquiry search HERE to find out what scheme and zoning your property comes under. This will help to determine whether planning approval is required prior to application for building permits as well as give information such as minimum setbacks from boundaries. It should be noted that planning is often required regardless of scheme/zoning for properties with more than one dwelling. Some Councils also require planning approval for relocated buildings - so it is advised that you enquire with your Council's Planning Department, whether they have a relocated buildings policy that you will need to consider.
Is your property within a bushfire prone area and will you require a BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) Report? You can search your property address HERE. If your property appears in a pink highlighted area, you will require a BAL Assessment and Report to determine whether prospective buildings will or can be improved to comply with BAL construction requirements. The construction requirements vary considerably but a general outline can be viewed HERE.
What documents will you require at minimum, to accompany a building permit application? The documents a Permit Authority will require varies from Council to Council. The good news is that most Councils provide checklists for their application process. Conduct a web search for "Building Application Checklist (insert your Council name)", alternatively search your local Councils website or contact them directly, asking to speak to the Building Department and request any relevant planning approval and BA1/BA2 checklists that may be required. We also have a general list of documents below.
Will you need a Registered Builder or an Owner-Builder Permit? For any construction works with a total value greater than $20,000, a Registered Builder or Owner-Builder Permit is required. Often with existing relocated buildings that have been placed on land before, the value is <$20,000, as the cost of the building itself does not need to be considered. For new buildings that have not previously been placed on land, a Registered Builder and Home Indemnity Insurance policy or an Owner-Builder permit will be required. We can be your Registered Builder and provide a Home Indemnity Insurance policy, at additional cost.
Check you meet criteria to be eligible and for Owner Builder Approval HERE​
We do not have an affiliation with any Owner-Builder training providers, you can find a provider that best suits you via a websearch, such as THIS
General information on Home Indemnity Insurance requirements can be viewed HERE
What other possible costs will you need to consider?
Relocated existing buildings sometimes require improvements in order to meet energy efficiency and bushfire attack level compliance. i.e. Buildings changing use or buildings that need to comply with a BAL rating > 19 may require complete reglazing and significant insulation upgrades.
Western Power and Main Roads Traffic Warden may be required for over size and/or over height buildings. These costs are unavoidable for some buildings and add up quickly. With building dimensions and route information, we can provide estimates for your consideration.
Our specialised equipment is large and heavy. We have fancy trailers and skilled truck drivers but there are sites we just cannot get into. In these cases a crane may be required to lift and load buildings. We also need relatively level sites. Our loaded trucks can weigh in excess of 50T so some sites will need earthworks to enable access and reduce the chance of bogging.
Once you have decided to purchase a relocated building, what will you need to obtain a building permit?
Documents that all Building Permit Applications will require
*​BAL Report and construction compliance (if applicable to property)
*Planning Approval (if applicable to property)
Site plan showing at minimum - north point, all existing structures, proposed structures, proposed demolitions - all with distances to all boundaries, stormater disposal and driveway/access including crossover.
Building floor plan and elevations, showing all dimensions including finished floor level and floor to ceiling heights.
Footing plan and detail
Engineers structural inspection report
Energy efficiency report/certification
*Effluent disposal apparatus approval (Septic system if applicable to property)
Termite treatment details
Completed and signed BA1 or BA2 application form and payment of all applicable fees
BA7 lodgement (upon completion of building permit works)
Additional documents that some Building Permit Applications may require (but not limited to)​
Builders Registration or Owner-Builder Permit
Home Indemnity Insurance Policy
*Health Department approval (septics approval)
Engineer signed footing plan and detail
*Bushfire Management Plan
BA3 Certificate of Design Compliance (for BA1 certified application)
*Payment of any applicable bonds
Site classification (soil classification)
*Whilst we can help guide you on where to start, we cannot arrange BAL assessment, planning approval application or septics application, supply or installation.
We can assist with/supply all other documents required, at additional cost - varying depending on your property/the buildings location, what your Permit Authority requires, if a Registered Builder is required and whether the application is made as certified (BA1) or uncertified (BA2).
BA1 Certified building permit applications have a maximum decision or formal request for information time of 10 working days. BA2 Uncertified building permit applications have a maximum decision or formal request for information time of 25 working days. A decision in not guaranteed within these timeframes (but is recieved on most occassions). If a decision or formal request for information is not made by the Permit Authority within these timeframes then the Permit Authority must refund the application fee.
DMIRS does provide a detailed guide to the building approval process HERE . This guide needs to be read in conjunction with various Australian Standards and exemptions related to existing and relocated buildings.
Please note that this is a general guide only and should be used as such. Nylund House Transporters takes no responsibility for the accuracy of it's information, linked sources, documents and websites. Use of this information is at your own risk.